Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride Treatment For Kids And Teens

Fluoride treatments are a key preventive measure to strengthen young teeth against decay. By applying a safe, effective fluoride varnish or foam, our Saginaw, MI, pediatric dentist can help strengthen tooth enamel so it’s able to better resist cavities and harmful bacteria growth. This quick, painless procedure is highly recommended as it offers an extra layer of protection for your little one’s growing smile.

Here’s what else you should know about the application of fluoride.

Fluoride Treatment For Kids Saginaw Mi

When Can My ChildStart Receiving Fluoride?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and our dentist both recommend that children receive an oral health exam by their first birthday or after their first tooth has erupted. 

Based on this assessment, fluoride applications can start for children as young as 6 months old, especially if they are at high risk for cavities or have certain health conditions that affect the teeth. Regular treatments involving fluoride varnish at our Saginaw pediatric dental office can then be integrated into your child’s oral care routine, usually 2 to 4 times a year until they are 5 years old, depending on their specific needs and risk factors. After this age, we can adjust the frequency if needed.

Fluoride Application:What to Expect & Benefits

The process of fluoride application is fast, pain-free, and can be completed during a routine dental visit. Our dentist or hygienist will apply the fluoride to the teeth using a brush or tray. This will then harden upon contact with saliva, so your child can eat and drink immediately after the treatment. Try not to brush or floss for at least 4-6 hours, however.

The benefits of fluoride treatments are extensive, significantly reducing the risk of cavities by strengthening tooth enamel. This makes the teeth more resistant to the acid attacks that cause tooth decay. Moreover, fluoride can even help reverse early signs of decay by remineralizing areas where potential cavities are forming, ensuring your child maintains a healthy, strong set of teeth as they grow.

Fluoride Treatment For Children

Choose Fluoride for a Strong Smile

Our pediatric dentist in Saginaw, MI, believes that incorporating fluoride treatments into your child's dental care routine is a proactive step towards ensuring a healthy smile now and later. By choosing fluoride in our office and at home, you're investing in a strong foundation for your child's oral health. Call Great Lakes Bay Pediatric Dentistry today at (989) 792-9201 to request an appointment!